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Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
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Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
a campaign for Congress to support civil service
Stop the Trump Plan 
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
a campaign for Congress to support civil service
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Information on Congress
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Reduction of federal Workforce
Trump preparing budget with most extreme cut in government spending yet - completely eliminating a number of programs, particularly at the Departments of Energy, Justice, State, Commerce, and Transportation.
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Fire Federal Employees Who Voted for Clinton
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District

Chicago Tribune:  "Government should be run by experienced 'insiders'"
Reduction of federal Workforce
One of Trump's Executive Orders Literally Cites a Law that Doesn't Exist
Gov’t lawyers are now puzzling over what exactly the language means

Trump Plans to Cut Federal Agencies to Increase Military Spending
At the State Department this means laying off more than 25,500 people​
Trump’s Incompetent War on Federal Employees will be His Undoing
The focus is on loyalty to the president above all other factors
Legislation Ends Retirement for Any Federal Union Rep
Any time spent as a Union official would not count as “creditable service” toward retirement
Trump’s Dysfunctional Transition, Personnel Crisis, 
Loyalty Test Eliminates Qualified Candidates
Stories Target Individual Federal Employees to be Fired
accusations could inspire Trump to try purging federal agencies of perceived enemies
President Trump is Learning That He Needs Federal Agencies 
Learning what other Presidents before him have learned​
Ten Changes by Trump and Republicans Affect Wages and Rights at Work
How President Trump and Congressional Republicans Are Undercutting Wages and Protections for Working People
Politics and Work:  
What Rights Do Employees Have?
federal civil servants can't be discriminated against based 
on their political beliefs​
5 Million Retired Federal Employees to Pay More, Get Less
CSRS & FERS programs in the budget bullseye

GOP Budget Eliminates 92 Anti-Poverty Programs, 
called Agency “Reform” Proposals
Trump’s Labor Department
reclassifying centers that campaign for a $15, blocking them from receiving donations

Multi-Employer Bargaining
an Updated Model for the Organized Labor Movement​
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Locations of Federal Offices and Buildings Nationwide by District
Feds are first priority in Biden’s governmentwide agenda
“Agencies should make it as easy as possible for their employees to communicate with union representatives and, if the employees choose, to join or organize a union, the guidance states.

From NFFE – National Federation of Federal Employees Local 739, Chicago, IL

Trump issues Executive Orders affecting Federal Workforce on Day 1

Trumps Memo States:
Federal agencies must assign “responsibility and oversight” for federal spending to a political appointee, not a career official.

Project 2025
Trump’s Republican announced plan if elected to take back control of the US government from the ‘deep state’ of career federal employees

Project 2025 main website
Building now for a conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training.

What is Project 2025? Trump Shadow Network Plans to Overhaul 'Deep State'

Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term
Advisers have also discussed deploying the military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day. Critics have called the ideas under consideration dangerous and unconstitutional. 

Trump Allies Plot to Stock Government With Up to 54,000 Loyalists: Report
The former president wants MAGA diehards reorganize the United States around his ambition, according to a new report from Axios 
